Violent Crimes

 Proven Success In & Out of Court

Knoxville Violent Crime Lawyer

Fighting Violent Crime Charges in Tennessee

Are you under investigation for a violent crime in  Knoxville, Tennessee? Tennessee currently has the highest violent crime rate in the United States, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. As a result, the state has increased efforts to convict violent crime defendants to ensure that the maximum punishment is issued. It is important to exercise your legal right to obtain legal representation that can provide you with the assistance you deserve.

If you are facing charges for a violent crime, get defense from an experienced Knoxville violent crime attorney at Law Office of Joseph A. Fanduzz. Contact us or call (865) 896-9971 to request a free consultation.

Types of Violent Crime Cases

Violent crimes are one of the most serious legal matters that you can face. If you are convicted of a violent crime felony, your future opportunities for employment, housing, and other concerns will be limited because of your criminal record. You will also be required to spend time in prison and pay hefty fines. 

Some of the violent crime cases we handle include:

If you or someone you love has been arrested for a violent crime in Knoxville, Tennessee, reach out to a seasoned criminal defense attorney from Law Office of Joseph A. Fanduzz. We ready to fight for you.

Penalties and Factors During Sentencing

Violent crimes carry very severe penalties. In the state of Tennessee, felonies are separated into five classifications. Some of the issues that are considered by the judge during sentencing include prior convictions, the specific offense, and all aggravating factors. Mitigating circumstances are those that can lessen your sentence, such as not being the primary defendant in the case.

Choose An Experienced Violent Crimes Lawyer in Knoxville 

If you were arrested for a violent crime in Knoxville, Tennessee, at the Law Office of Joseph A. Fanduzz, we have the resources and knowledge necessary to help you navigate your case. We can treat you with the compassion necessary to help you secure a favorable case result. We can negotiate on your behalf and help you get charges reduced or dismissed. If your case goes to trial, we can perform a full investigation to build a strong defense on your behalf.

If you are accused of a violent crime in Knoxville, schedule a free case evaluation with our violent crime attorney at once. Contact our firm online or call (865) 896-9971.

  • Serious Drug Offenses Case Dismissed
  • DUI & Simple Possession Charges Dropped
  • 1st Degree Murder Reduced 51 Years to 3-6 Years
  • Aggravated Rape Reduced Charge
  • Bank Wire Fraud Reduced to Probation
    Meet Your Attorney
    Joseph A. Fanduzz is an elite group of trial lawyers who have attended and graduated from the National Criminal Defense College.
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